Payment deferral for the loans taken before 30 March 2020 is possible this year, too. So far, approximately 560,000 debtors have benefited of legislative and private moratoria, accounting for 14.7% of the total loans extended by the banking sector. And because instalment payment deferral can have a lot of consequences which could also have side effects for consumers, the Alternative Banking Dispute Resolution Centre (ABDRC) issues a number of recommendations for them. (more…)
Covid-19 Pandemic: Online negotiations between consumers and banks
- Apr 29, 2020
- In Press appearances
We shake hands online with consumers and banks! Declaring the state of emergency because of COVID-19 pandemic, doesn’t affect ABDRC activity! You can fill-in and send your applications to negotiate with the banks/NFI directly through the online app available on www.csalb.ro. A consumer from Cluj contracted a credit with mortgage in 2008. He contacted ABDRC through his lawyer. The negotiations between the consumer and the bank were intermediated by the conciliator via phone and email. (more…)
A bank writes off nearly RON 300 thousand and CHF 52 thousand of the debts of a consumer
- Jan 22, 2020
- In Press appearances
Alexandru Păunescu, ABDRC: “These were social cases, and the bank overlooked the numbers. It is a social responsibility proven action. Nevertheless, we were still recording rejections from some banks, which we, at ABDRC, can’t justify. On the other hand, we can’t intermediate collective negotiations. Each casefile should be individually negotiated with the bank.” (more…)
Legal entities can request conciliation through ABDRC, starting from 2020
- Jan 14, 2020
- In Press appearances
ABDRC extended its competences! After almost 4 years from beginning activity, ABRDC becomes accessible to legal entities for payment services and issuing e-currency. (more…)
La cererea Comisiei Europene, de 3 ani și jumătate, consumatorii își pot rezolva problemele cu băncile și IFN-urile fără să mai ajungă în instanță. La CSALB procedura este gratuită și durează mai puțin de trei luni. În urma negocierilor cu băncile, prin intermediul CSALB, românii pot obține (more…)
Secretele concilierii. Ce îi emoționează pe conducătorii negocierilor dintre consumatori și bănci?
- Nov 13, 2019
- In Press appearances
Septimiu Stoica este unul dintre cei 21 de conciliatori ai Centrului de Soluționare Alternativă a Litigiilor în domeniul Bancar (CSALB) și vorbește despre cazurile care l-au marcat în activitatea sa. Profit TV, 7 noiembrie 2019 (more…)
Nu mai poti plati ratele? Cheama-ti banca la conciliere – Reportaj Antena1
- Nov 13, 2019
- In Press appearances
Reprezentantii consumatorilor, ai conciliatorilor, CSALB si bancilor – intr-un reportaj Antena1 despre conciliere. “O banca fara clienti multumiti nu isi are rostul”, spune secretarul general al unei banci comerciale. (more…)
Business Review Interview with Alexandru Paunescu
- Aug 20, 2019
- In Press appearances
Romanian banks are now more willing to accept entering into conciliation procedures with dissatisfied clients, a process that aims to be a fair one, as it has a win-win nature, Alexandru Paunescu, board member at Alternative Dispute Resolution Centre in Banking (CSALB), told Business Review. (more…)
Lower instalments after negotiation with the bank. ABDRC helps you!
- Oct 25, 2018
- In Press appearances
Find out the conciliator’s role in a negotiation between the consumer and the bank, in the TVR news report from the ABDRC in Iasi Roadshow – October 23rd 2018 (more…)