Over its close to 9 years of operational activity, ABDRC has proven that this new paradigm – an alternative way of resolving disputes – is a win-win approach for both consumers and traders. Until the end of 2024, 4,237 cases concluded with the parties coming to terms with the aid and facilitation of one of ABDRC’s conciliators. To this add another 2,392 amicable settlements between the parties, after consumers having firsts referred the matter to the Banking ADR Centre.
Descriere: In the first half of 2024, Romanians filed close to 1,900 applications for negotiation with banks and NBFIs. This means 20% more than in the first half of 2023. The number of negotiation cases (applications accepted by banks) reached 524, going up by 24% compared to H1 2023. The increase is even higher for resolutions (+31%). In 444 cases, the consumers came to terms with their banks, after both sides accepted the solution proposed by conciliators. The decrease in the number of direct settlements (172 such cases/H1 2024 vs 290 such cases at the end of H1 2023) and the increase in the number of negotiation cases shows that, in the first half of this year, banks preferred to address more issued raised by their customers via ABDRC, rather than inviting them to the bank for a direct settlement. (more…)
- May 17, 2023
- In ABDRC reports, ABDRC reports