ABDRC simplifies submission of applications by launching an online app

With this app, ABDRC takes further steps to help consumers, providing them with the fastest communication methods in order to reduce the waiting times. The app is friendly for both experienced users, as well as persons who are less acquainted with technology, and is beneficial for both traders and conciliators. With this new app, a user has readily available all the supporting documents of their application, which could be required further down the proceedings. We expect this facility to encourage more consumers to turn to ABDRC and, at the same time, to help speed up processing of the applications received.

The Alternative Banking Dispute Resolution Centre (ABDRC), an institution making available to Romanians the necessary infrastructure to have their disagreements with banks and NBFIs settled amicably, launches an online app whereby consumers can submit their conciliation or arbitration applications. This, procedures are further streamlined, and the length of the conciliation process is significantly reduced.

“With this app, ABDRC takes further steps to help consumers, providing them with the fastest communication methods in order to reduce the waiting times. The app is friendly for both experienced users, as well as persons who are less acquainted with technology, and is beneficial for both traders and conciliators. With this new app, a user has readily available all the supporting documents of their application, which could be required further down the proceedings. We expect this facility to encourage more consumers to turn to ABDRC and, at the same time, to help speed up processing of the applications received”, declared Alexandru Păunescu, member of the ABDRC Steering Board.

The app produced by ABDRC allows direct uploading of the documents, including from mobile device, by scanning them. Thus, consumers can upload the documents in the app, and these can be viewed directly by both the bank and the conciliator (the parties they are intended to), without such documents having to be submitted separately.

With the new app, consumers save nearly a day to put together the file

To use this direct communication line, consumers of financial services can access the application on www.csalb.ro. Consumers will fill in the web application (available in Application Forms/access application/create request). Once this is filled in, the consumer shall receive an email with the invitation to access the app. The documents entered in the registration form are uploaded into the app, and their processing time is approximately one hour. By email, in the offline procedure, documents used to be processed in approximately one day. The app was developed by Kapsch, in observance of the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Benefits of the app: Streamlined processes, secured documents (each party can only see their own documents, except for ABDRC which acts as the administrator of the entire procedure), reduced settlement time and centralized management of the entire correspondence, user-friendliness.  

About ABDRC:

The Alternative Banking Dispute Resolution Centre (ABDRC) is an independent non-governmental apolitical, not-for-profit legal entity of public interest established under the Government Ordinance no. 38/2015 on alternative resolution of disputes between consumers and traders, which transposes at domestic level Directive 2013/11/EU on alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) no. 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC.
