We draw consumers’ attention to the serious misinformation spread by ANPC in the public space!
- Jan 21, 2025
- In Information
We alert consumers of financial and banking services that they have been seriously misinformed by ANPC’s latest press release. We urge consumers to distinguish between complaints they may file with ANPC (which they have always been able to submit) and the alternative dispute resolution process, which is the exclusive responsibility of CSALB for financial and banking disputes between consumers and banks or non-banking financial institutions (NFIs).
- Jan 31, 2022
- In Information, Information
- In order your bank/NBFI to review your application, please fill out each column of the application, give a brief account of the facts, articulate your claims, and enclose supporting documents to your application (e.g.: photocopies of documents evidencing the drop in income or rise in costs, evidence of the reported errors/issues, medical records, etc.).
- Also, please send us valid contact details (email/phone) and make sure that you can be reached by them. By checking out the inbox of your email address, you make sure that take note in due time of any new information sent to you by the bank and/or the conciliator. You will use the same email address also to agree to the conciliator by and to the solution they proposed, and in some instances, you are required to reply with additional documents. When you don’t reply, your case can be closed on the ground “withdrawn consumer”.
- We remind you that no request for deregistration from the Credit Office may be subjected to negotiation via ABDRC. For such requests, we recommend that you approach banks/NBFIs directly!
Beginning with August 19, 2019, Mrs. Mihaela Irina Ionescu – Secretary General with the NCPA – has been assigned to represent the National Consumer Protection Authority within the Alternative Banking Dispute Resolution Centre Steering Board.
Mrs. Mihaela Irina Ionescu is replacing Mr. Constantin Tudorel Motrescu for this position.
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- Nov 06, 2017
- In Information
We are pleased to announce that, as of 1 November 2017, the new chair of the Steering Board of the Alternative Banking Dispute Resolution Centre is Mrs. Luminița Malanciuc – the representative of the Romanian Association of Banks in the Steering Board of ABDRC.
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ABDRC and the Faculty of Law Bucharest organized on October 5, 2017, the Conference on “Alternative financial and banking dispute resolution”
Useful informations for consumers about ADR procedures
- Jul 26, 2017
- In Information
We found that clarifications are required as regards the two procedures managed by the Alternative Banking Dispute Resolution Centre: the alternative resolution procedure concluded with proposing a solution – Conciliation -, and alternative resolution procedure concluded with imposing a solution – Arbitration. (more…)
- Jul 11, 2017
- In Information
Further to the application lodged by the clients who approach the Alternative Banking Dispute Resolution Center (ABDRC), in the context of our impartial endeavour to foster better financial education for consumers, we hereby issue these recommendations (more…)
PRESS RELEASE 26.06.2017: Information to consumers on how they can be represented by ABDRC
- Jun 26, 2017
- In Information
Consumers can turn to the free-of-charge services of ABDRC by themselves, or can be assisted by attorneys (in this case, the fee is borne by consumers). Similarly, they can also be represented by the consumer protection associations they are part of, or by other third persons (in this latter case, a notarized power of attorney is required). (more…)
In this document you will find conclusions based on the meeting between ABDRC and the Consumer Associations in Romania, the meeting took place on 29.11.2016.