I. About ABDRC Establishment
- The Alternative Banking Dispute Resolution Centre (ABDRC) is an independent non-governmental apolitical, not-for-profit legal entity of public interest established under the Government Ordinance no. 38/2015 on alternative resolution of disputes between consumers and traders, which transposes at domestic level Directive No 2013/11/EU on alternative dispute resolution (ADR) for consumer disputes, as well as Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on online dispute resolution (ODR) for consumer disputes.
- ABDRC’s work is rendered at two levels:
- administrative – organization and functioning of ABDRC as legal entity;
- operational – organization and performance of the alternative dispute resolution activity.
II. Administrative activity of ABDRC
1. Activity of the Steering Board
The Steering Board provides smooth operation of ABDRC’s administrative activity. The Board members are not involved in the operational activity of the Centre (as examination and resolution of the disputes are handled exclusively by conciliators), and their duties and powers cover approval and amendment of the dispute settlement procedures, selection/approval of conciliators, preparation and approval of the income and expenditure budget, etc.
Highlights of the Steering Board’s activity in 2024:
- continuation of all the activities (conciliation, meetings of the Steering Board in physical format or via email, communication, employees’ presence in the office, meetings with traders/collaborators, etc.);
- continuation of the communication activity via different channels adapted to the ABDRC’s purpose/mission, as well as ensuring the necessary conditions for the development/expansion of this activity also on social media channels: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, TikTok;
- completion of the try of the higher appeal lodged by ABDRC to the High Court of Cassation and Justice (HCCJ) against the solution handed down by Bucharest Court of Appeal on the substance of the administrative proceedings (Case no. 6047/2/2018); this action was brought up by ABDRC in August 2018 against the Ministry of Economy, which was later replaced the Ministry of Energy during the proceedings, under the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 212/28.12.2020 laying down measures for the central public administration and amending and supplementing a number of regulatory acts, and challenged the Decision no. 2377/DA/31.05.2018 of the Ministry of Economy dismissing the request of ABDRC to be included in the list of Romanian ADR entities due to the absence of the a representative of consumer associations in the Steering Board; however, such reason cannot be held in any way against Banking ADR Centre as it has no obligation/power whatsoever in relation to appointment/nomination of representatives by the entities sitting in the Steering Board; the Centre employed all efforts to prevent this issue being settled in court, but it was left without any possibility to have its repeated requests to be included in the national list of ADR entities addressed amicably; the court hearing the substance of the case ruled on 11 November 2022, after 4 years and 3 months since commencement of the proceedings to the effect of dismissing the action brought up by ABDRC; the grounded decision of the Court of Appeal was served to us on 17 October 2023, and ABDRC lodged a higher appeal against it on 31 October 2023; the first court hearing was set for 26 November 2024, before the HCCJ – Division for Administrative and Tax Disputes; the higher appeal was heard during the said hearing, and the HCCJ postponed the ruling to 10 December 2024; the HCCJ dismissed the higher appeal lodged by ABDRC against the civil judgment on substance no. 222/11.11.2022 as unfounded; we are now waiting to be served the reasoning by the higher appeal court/HCCJ; as soon as we come into possession of its reasoning, we will look into the steps we need to take further to eventually have ABDRC included in the national list of ADR entities;
- approval of the financial statements executed as at 31 December 2023, and provision of information about the 2023 Audit Report;
- election of the President of the Steering Board for a 1-year term of office;
- approval of the 2025 Income and Expenditure Budget (2025 IEB) of the Alternative Banking Dispute Resolution Centre.
2. Communication, promotion, and financial information and education by ABDRC
Communication takes place across the following levels (according to ABDRC’s communication strategy):
- communication with banks and NBFIs (traders);
- communication with consumers;
- communication with the media;
- communication with stakeholders;
- communication with conciliators;
- holding of work meetings with conciliators, whenever these are necessary, as part of the process of updating/reviewing the Regulation of the Procedural Secretariat and the ADR procedures, as the amicable dispute resolution work advances;
- organizing working meetings with representatives of commercial banks (bilateral meetings) to improve the activity of alternative dispute resolution.
2.1. ABDRC’s Communication and Promotion Activity
Communication with, and information of consumers and traders about ABDRC take place via the following channels:
- communication via the traditional media channels (TV, Radio, Written Press, Online, Blogging);
- communication via alternative channels (outdoor advertising banners, financial education campaign by arranging a financial training/education room in the premises of ABDRC);
- communication via own channels: Website, Newsletter, ABDRC outbound call-centre, Facebook, LinkedIn (page and profile), Youtube, Instagram, and Tik-Tok;
- organization of/participation in conferences, workshops, debates (also online), etc.;
- communication via commercial banks (online and offline: leaflets, posters, stickers, video production);
- communication via courts of law;
- communication via consumer associations.